Entries by Hanna Boëthius

Quick ‘n’ dirty

I think that you and I can agree on one thing by now; fast food isn’t your greatest option of available food. Yet both of us (I do it too), grab it when we’re short on time (and cash) and need something to eat. What we don’t think of (or don’t know. Or care.) in […]

The World’s Fattest Country is…

…not the United States of America. Nor is it India. Or China. It is MEXICO. According to a recent report by the UN, Mexico has now overtaken the US in terms of having the most overweight population. The US has for very long held this position, but with 70 percent of adult mexicans now being […]

My Ultimate Guide to Staying Healthy While Traveling

It’s summer, it’s vacation time (hopefully) which means (again, hopefully) traveling. But staying healthy while in transit is not always easy. You know exactly what it’s like – you get to the airport, need to eat and there is nothing that suits you and your healthy lifestyle. *sigh* Que: deep breaths mixed with hunger frustration. […]

You say Q? I say A!

I get a lot of questions from my clients (and perspective ones). And to make things a little easier for you, as of today I’m starting a new blog category: Q&A This is where you have the opportunity to have your questions about nutrition, health and wellness answered by me. Completely for free. Now, how […]

3 Sunny Summer Health Tips

Some of you are probably going to be disappointed. But this post is not about sunscreen and preventing sunburns. (Well not in the traditional sense, at least.) The sun is out today in our wonderful city and I can’t wait to get out and enjoy it! But first, speaking of sunshine and happy weather, here […]

News time!

Hi, and welcome to today’s blogpost! When the weather is what it is right now (here you can see a picture I put on Instagram earlier this morning), it’s difficult to keep positive and in a good mood. By this point I know I crave myself some sunshine, and I think you do too! The […]

Don’t (always) listen to your doctor

Gluten is a protein found in grains, such as wheat, rye, and barley. There is a whopping estimation of that as many as 99% of the people who have gluten intolerance, celiac disease or gluten oversensitivity are never diagnosed. There are also many other illnesses linked to gluten.