The World’s Fattest Country is…

…not the United States of America. Nor is it India. Or China.


According to a recent report by the UN, Mexico has now overtaken the US in terms of having the most overweight population.

The US has for very long held this position, but with 70 percent of adult mexicans now being overweight and 32,8 percent obese, the US has now had to step down from this Number One placement. (31,8% of the US adult population is obese, according to the same report).

Childhood obesity has increased trifold in the past 10 years and about one third of teenagers are overweight. One in six adult mexicans are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Increased availability and consumption of fast food is supposed to have caused this epidemic, and with an incredible consumption of Coca Cola at 225 litres per person and year, this is not difficult to believe. (As a comparison the (marginally) leaner USA drinks 200 litres per person and year. Mexico’s consumption makes up for 11% of the global sales of the Coca Cola Company.)

This is an incredibly scary development, and shows,yet again, what happens when we eat foods that we shouldn’t (or aren’t made to eat). That more than every third person is obese is difficult to understand, and that seven out of ten are overweight is even more so. That’s almost the whole of the mexican population!

What do you think of this? Do you have any reactions? If you’ve been to Mexico, is this true?


(sources:,, ,

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